Mortgage and Insurance Advisers


Life Insurance Advice Southampton

Life Insurance Advice Southampton

Do you need life insurance advice? Do you live in Southampton? Make an appointment today and speak to us at Weystone Financial. We have a fantastic team with a wealth of knowledge and experience in the life insurance sector. We will chat with you and provide you with informative and practical life insurance advice in Southampton. Get in touch with a member of our Southampton team today on 01264849179.

It is our aim to make the process as stress-free and as jargon-free as possible. We understand that finding the right life insurance advice in Southampton can be difficult, but our highly experienced Southampton staff are on hand to assist. It’s important to us that our customers in Southampton get the best advice from individuals that they can trust.


What is Life Insurance?

What is life insurance? Life insurance helps give your family financial protection should you pass away within the policy term. It allows you to leave a lump sum behind. This will help your loved ones maintain their living standards or pay mortgage costs. We pride ourselves on providing informative and reliable life insurance advice in Southampton. Everyone’s circumstances are different, we are here for you to provide you with everything you need to know about life insurance.

Life Insurance Advice in Southampton

Here are some of the advantages of life insurance:

  • Lump-sum payment – You can choose the amount, which we’ll pay the full amount after a successful claim
  • Protection if you die – We’ll pay a lump sum if you pass away during the policy term – simple as that
  • Flexible length of cover – You can choose the length of cover you need – from short-term to 50 years, or until you’re 90 years old
  • A separation benefit – If you separate from your partner, we can split your joint policy into single policies

Why Choose Weystone Financial

Your life insurance cover amount reflects how much money would be paid out if you pass away. So it’s worth considering how much your loved ones might need to pay off a mortgage or keep up repayments, settle any debts and pay for general living costs. This will depend on your personal circumstances.

We are a dedicated team with a wealth of knowledge and experience within the industry. We can provide you with fantastic life insurance advice in Southampton. If you have any questions about life insurance cover in Southampton, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team today. From the first time you contact our Southampton team, you will have your own personal advisor who will provide you with quality life insurance advice in Southampton. If you would like our advice then call today on 01264849179. Our Southampton team will help you find the right life insurance cover for you. You can contact us by email at

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    Speak to our specialist

    Speak to our mortgage protection specialist John Symons for more information.